

『ヒッチコック』 原題:HITCHKOCK
2012 Twentieth Century Fox.  All Rights Reserved.
上映時間 99分  製作国 アメリカ  初公開年月 2013年4月5 日 映倫 G
監督: サーシャ・ガヴァシ/ 製作: アイヴァン・ライトマン 他/
原作: スティーヴン・レベロ『アルフレッド・ヒッチコック&ザ・メイキング・オブ・サイコ』(白夜書房刊)/
脚本: ジョン・J・マクロクリン/ 撮影: ジェフ・クローネンウェス / 特殊メイク効果: ハワード・バーガー /
衣装デザイン: ジュリー・ワイス/ 編集: パメラ・マーティン /音楽: ダニー・エルフマン
アンソニー・ホプキンス: アルフレッド・ヒッチコック/ ヘレン・ミレン: アルマ・レヴィル/ スカーレット・ヨハンソン: ジャネット・リー / トニ・コレット: ペギー・ロバートソン/ ジェームズ・ダーシー: アンソニー・パーキンス / マイケル・ウィンコット: エド・ゲイン
公式サイト: http://www.foxmovies.jp/hitchcock/
4月5日(金)よりTOHO シネマシャンテ他、全国公開

(C)2012 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.

『ヒッチコック』 ――覗きの快楽 

                清水 純子









「覗きの快楽」ゆえに映画が成り立つことを知りぬいたヒッチコックは言う―「人は誰でも心に深い闇を心に抱えている、私はただ身をひそめて見ているだけ、カメラの後ろでね」(“All of usharbor dark recesses of violence and horror. I’m just a manhiding on the corner of the camera, watching”)。


 Copyright © J. Shimizu All Rights Reserved.

Hitchcock: The Pleasure of Voyeurism 

           Junko Shimizu


Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock (1899–1980), also known as ‘the master of suspense’,created the masterpiece Psycho, in1960; the film Hitchcock – a behind-the-scene account of the making of Psycho that uses the technique of ‘meta cinema’ – gives its audience the pleasure of a voyeuristic view of the production. Hitchcock reveals the struggle and painful process of ‘how Psycho was born’ in a realistic and humorous manner. Meta cinema is cinema-within-a-cinema, that is, cinema fitted into larger or original cinema. To be more specific, the original cinema has another cinema nestled within it. Meta cinema as a style of filmmaking is an anecdote on the production of the original film. In the film Hitchcock, the character of Alfred Hitchcock played by Anthony Hopkins narrates a variety of untold and toilsome incidents about the making of his film Psycho. One of Hitchcock’s innovative approaches is that it breaks the rules of the nestling method (Meta cinema); the story does not appear on screen in sequential order, that is, from the outer periphery to the centre or vice versa, and it is therefore a departure from the traditional form of narratives and temporal order. In the original movie Psycho, the real killer Ed Gein from the original novel lies hidden behind Norman Bates, the principal character of Psycho;whereas in the film Hitchcock, Ed Gein shows up in the very first frame of the film and concurrently eschews temporal order.
Ed Gein, the real reprobate and the inspiration for the novel, is ensconced in the inner recesses of the narrative in Psycho, however, in the film Hitchcock, the character in the original novel surfaces unexpectedly to push the main character, Norman Bates in Psycho away.
Ed Gein’s unexpected appearance ruptures the time sequence that the audience finds  mindboggling, as by force of habit they anticipate an orderly sequence, similar to that of eating an orange after peeling it. Ed Gein, ensconced in the innermost recesses of the story, appears as a ghost and encourages Hitchcock to make a movie based on his character, Paramount’s refusal to fund the film notwithstanding.
In the film Hitchcock, the Norman Bates actor, Anthony Perkins played by James D’Arcy, makes his appearance towards the middle to audition for Hitchcock’s new movie Psycho, a technique that disrupts the audience’s expectation of a structured timesequence that is so typical of Hitchcock’s style of satisfying ‘the pleasure of voyeurism’ amongst his moviegoers.
Although Psycho embedded within Hitchcock caters to the revoltingly voyeuristic desire of the audience, the movie industry or film art itself is closely connected with ‘the pleasure of voyeurism’. The survival of cinema depends on the voyeuristic impulse of the audience, who pay a price for peering into an unknown world. Also, cinemagoers pay money to watch films since it satiates their curiosity and provides a vicarious experience that satisfies their dark, forbidden desires without anybody’s knowledge. Hitchcock, being aware of the sociological, economic, and psychological aspects of cinema, tried to produce films that gratified voyeurs.
In order to source interesting materials for cinema, Hitchcock was ever willing to look anywhere and everywhere for inspiration.

The voyeuristic desire of multi-layered society determines the structure of the movie Hitchcock. Hitchcock the director creates a peephole that enables him to observe how an actress should be taken care of from various angles while shooting a movie. In his private life, Hitchcock takes a sneak peek through the window to observe his wife Alma played by Helen Mirren in the nude as she is changing clothes.
To gauge the exact audience reaction to his finished movie, Hitchcock watches the spectators through a door in the theatre to reassure himself of their response to his movie. Hitchcock, the central figure who is tied in multiple movies, takes a peep into his own movies while simultaneously analysing his finished movie outside the framework of the movie Hitchcock.
Furthermore, Hitchcock allows the audience of Hitchcock to see him viewing the reaction of another audience watching Psycho. Through a nestled work method, ‘the pleasure of voyeurism’ manifests itself elaborately in the multiple layers of the movie Hitchcock.

Hitchcock takes a position where he can look around all he wants to and is a ruthless voyeur. Besides, he is a habitual exhibitionist and makes cameo appearances in most of his movies, as he takes pleasure in self-display while making films. To put it briefly, Hitchcock enjoys active and passive ‘pleasure of voyeurism’ in both his personal and professional life. The depiction of the pervert (Norman) poring over a nude beauty in Psycho overlaps with that of a curious Hitchcock poring over his work of art within and outside the film, and also with the audience in their seats watching Psycho and Hitchcock.

In the real world, if we look at a beautiful nude woman taking a shower, we could face dire consequences, but we can always enjoy a beautiful nude on screen. The movie business plays on the secret desires of the paying audience because the virtual reality of cinema is an expression of their secret impulses and serves to release their stress. Hitchcock, the master of ‘pleasure of voyeurism’ cleverly says,  “All of us harbour dark recesses of violence and horror. I’m just a man hiding on the corner of the camera, watching.” 

Copyright © J. Shimizu All Rights Reserved.

(C)2012 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.
